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Strona główna > Polska > 2016 > Łódź, Księży Młyn

2017 06 18 001 Lodz ul Przedzalniana 72 Palac Edwarda Herbsta
Księży Młyn, The largest historical industrial-residential complex in Łódź, dating from
the second half of the 19th century. 
It was created by the Scheiblers and the Grohmans who managed the biggest cotton factory in Europe.

2017 06 18 001 Lodz ul Przedzalniana 72 Palac Edwarda Herbsta

Księży Młyn, The largest historical industrial-residential complex in Łódź, dating from
the second half of the 19th century.
It was created by the Scheiblers and the Grohmans who managed the biggest cotton factory in Europe.

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